NameĀ  the method that is used to start a thread execution ?

What are the two types of multitasking ?
The two types of multitasking are:
1. Process-based.
2. Thread-based.

In how many ways a Thread can be created ?
A Thread can be created by-
1. Implementing Runnable interface
2. Extending the Thread class.

Name the stages of a life cycle of a thread ?
The life cycle of a thread include:
1. Newborn state.
2. Runnable state.
3. Running state.
4. Blocked state.
5. Dead state.

Name the signature of the constructor of a thread class ?
Thread (Runnable threadobject, String threadName ) is the signature of the constructor of a thread class.

Name the methods that are used for Inter Thread communication ?
The methods that are used for Inter Thread communication:
wait(), notify() & notifyall().

Name the method available in the Runnable Interface ?

Is it possible to start a thread twice ?

What is Starvation ?
Starvation is a situation where a thread is unable to get continuous access to shared resources and unable to make progress. This happen when some another thread use shared resource for longer time.